
Got in trouble at work for speaking Spanish

I’m a white man from America who speaks English. I studied Spanish for years and even minored in it. I’ve never in my life gotten a major opportunity to use Spanish, never left the country, never used it at a job. Nothing. The only time I use it is when I sing te aviso te anuncio by shakira. Well today, during work, my manager was listening in on my phone calls to customers. I call a customer and it happens to be a Spanish speaking customer. I introduce myself, say hello, try to get what I need out of the call but ultimately the customer wasn’t interested. After this, my boss scolded and SHAMED me for using Spanish. She said “you don’t need to be trying to use Spanish when speaking with customers. Don’t do that ever again”. She gave me no reasoning. Also I definitely wasn’t trying, as I…

I’m a white man from America who speaks English. I studied Spanish for years and even minored in it. I’ve never in my life gotten a major opportunity to use Spanish, never left the country, never used it at a job. Nothing. The only time I use it is when I sing te aviso te anuncio by shakira.

Well today, during work, my manager was listening in on my phone calls to customers. I call a customer and it happens to be a Spanish speaking customer. I introduce myself, say hello, try to get what I need out of the call but ultimately the customer wasn’t interested.

After this, my boss scolded and SHAMED me for using Spanish. She said “you don’t need to be trying to use Spanish when speaking with customers. Don’t do that ever again”. She gave me no reasoning. Also I definitely wasn’t trying, as I have a minor in Spanish and can confidently speak it. So I wasn’t trying I was succeeding in doing so.

How dare I learn a second language and utilize that to speak with customers. How fucking dare I do that. Heaven forbid, what if this had actually turned into an opportunity? What then? I wouldn’t have gotten there if I didn’t use Spanish.

This is my final straw with this role. I don’t deserve to be scolded for fucking using Spanish. When I quit I will most definitely be bringing this up to her. She’s such an asshole, she makes me feel very guilty for using MY OWN pto and now this. She calls me out of the blue all the time which spikes my anxiety. Im done with her.

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