
I think it’s hopeless for Americans

I’m not posting this to try and convince anyone to take any action, because I know it’s not going to happen. At least not anytime soon. This is literally just a rant because I fucking hate the reality of life in America as a whole and I need to get it off my chest. The media is pitting the working class against each other and distracting us with endless, meaningless, irresolvable debates on the news constantly. It doesn’t matter what race you are, what political party you support, or anything else that sets you apart from other working class Americans. The ENTIRE working class is getting royally fucked. We ALL have to slave away nearly our entire lives just to barely survive. The system itself is the fucking issue. It’s the rich vs. the poor. It always has been. This is all intentional by the government, divide and conquer. They…

I’m not posting this to try and convince anyone to take any action, because I know it’s not going to happen. At least not anytime soon. This is literally just a rant because I fucking hate the reality of life in America as a whole and I need to get it off my chest.

The media is pitting the working class against each other and distracting us with endless, meaningless, irresolvable debates on the news constantly.

It doesn’t matter what race you are, what political party you support, or anything else that sets you apart from other working class Americans. The ENTIRE working class is getting royally fucked. We ALL have to slave away nearly our entire lives just to barely survive.

The system itself is the fucking issue. It’s the rich vs. the poor. It always has been. This is all intentional by the government, divide and conquer.

They keep the majority of us just barely surviving financially, by design.

They don’t want us to make so little money that we starve as a collective and are forced to revolt against the government to survive. They don’t want us to literally die because then we couldn’t make money for the rich.

But they also don’t want us to make enough money to live comfortably. If this happened, we would no longer be forced to devote all our mental energy to the survival matters of us and our personal loved ones. As a result, we could potentially revolt since we would finally have the energy to think about the big picture and those outside our immediate family. We could unite with other Americans since we would no longer feel as though they are threats to our own survival. We would no longer feel as though we are “competing” with them for survival. When animals, including humans, feel like our survival is on the line, we prioritize us and our “pack”. It’s every person/family for themselves. But if this threat is removed, we could unite and stop thinking in survival mode. We could stop thinking of others as enemies and finally look towards the real enemy, those who created this animalistic survival situation for the working class. The rich and the government who works with them.

They have literally tapped into our basic survival instinct. They have “tamed” us. Just like animals fight each other for survival in the wild, the government has created a simulation of that in modern society. Making sure we’re all fighting with each other for survival. Always on our toes. They are keeping us in a primitive mental state while convincing us that we are sophisticated and intelligent. It’s all an illusion. They are trapping us. Taking advantage of our psychology while telling us we are free. They are imprisoning us by making sure that all our behavior is impacted by their calculated manipulation of our own primitive instincts.

I want to make it clear- I know that not everyone in the working class is fighting to survive. And on the opposite side, not everyone in the working class is making enough to eat/survive.

But it’s about the majority. If the entire working class was making the government’s “ideal” amount (enough to just barely survive) we wouldn’t get the collective motivation that we do by seeing those in the working class who are actually living comfortably, and we also wouldn’t have the collective threat that comes from seeing those in the working class who are NOT making enough to survive or have a home.

It’s about the majority. A certain percent of the working class are allowed to be both above and below the government’s “ideal threshold” of pay. This is to motivate the majority of the working class to keep working hard so that they “might” achieve success like those who live comfortably, and to discourage the majority from slacking with their work so they don’t end up like the homeless/ those in poverty.

But the reality is, the MAJORITY of the working class won’t EVER be successful enough to live comfortably, or unsuccessful enough to be homeless/starving. Because capitalism literally would fall apart if that was the case. These “above and below average” wealth groups are only allowed to exist in order to keep the majority of the working class right where the government wants them. To keep the machine of capitalism running.

I just don’t see a way out of this. Fuck. Lol

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