My boss is a milionaire – without the value of his 3 houses he has like 3 to 4 Million in cash and investments lying around. He has a company of 40 people – and everyone makes fun of him how stupid he is. He doesnt understand the most basic stuff- has impulsive ideas that he wants executed right away and is lazy as f**k. Hes in the office from around 10 AM to 4 PM – 2 hours of this is his lunch break. He has like 5 – 6 vaccations every year. Because of his stupidity the company lost between 500 000 and 1 Million Dollars 3 times already.
But because he started with more money then most people (rich family) he is still successful. The money compensates for his lack of talent skill and intelligence. He just throws money at the problem and at competent people to correct his mistakes. If he fails and burns several hundred thousand – he just tries again a few months later.
If this guy was not born rich – he would be homeless by now. If the 40 people working for him had been born as rich as he – at least 30 of them would be more sucessfull than he is.
So stating with a lot of money makes it far easier to make even more money. People that are more talented skilled or intelligent but have no money have it 1000x harder despite being much better. And I am just tired of it how some people try to pretend that this isnt true.