
(HELP) Ex-boss gave false info to the police mixing me up with a gas station robber, resulting in me being taken miles away to a rural police station. When they found out they got the wrong person, they threw me out in the middle of nowhere without driving me back to where they first picked me up.

I was at the local library applying for jobs, when there was a completely unrelated incident at a nearby gas station of someone stealing a few items and pushing the employee (manager?) out of the way and escaping. This person is a much larger female than myself with a different hairstyle, complexion and everything. It spread around that this person got away and the cops were looking for the thief. My Ex-boss took this opportunity to his advantage to get back to me for reporting him (and being transphobic about my daughter which he fired me indirectly for) and decided to call the police claiming that he saw the “criminal” run into the local library and pointed me out to them. How do I know it was my ex-boss? Because he send me an Email through a fake Gmail address hours later, mocking me and calling me the same hateful…

I was at the local library applying for jobs, when there was a completely unrelated incident at a nearby gas station of someone stealing a few items and pushing the employee (manager?) out of the way and escaping. This person is a much larger female than myself with a different hairstyle, complexion and everything.

It spread around that this person got away and the cops were looking for the thief. My Ex-boss took this opportunity to his advantage to get back to me for reporting him (and being transphobic about my daughter which he fired me indirectly for) and decided to call the police claiming that he saw the “criminal” run into the local library and pointed me out to them.

How do I know it was my ex-boss? Because he send me an Email through a fake Gmail address hours later, mocking me and calling me the same hateful nickname he used to call me before. However, since most of the time he called me that name was verbal, it's not enough evidence to convince the police to nail him for intentionally making a false report, according to them.

The team of police grabbed me and wouldn't let me get in a word. They were pushing me on the ground and tossing me around clearly trying to get me to resist so they can claim I was resisting arrest. They took me all the way down to a station, I'm in rural territory so we are talking a good distance, processed me and put me in a cell without batting an eye or asking a single question.

After finally explaining things to them, and after police got to look at the gas station surveillance footage, they admitted they were wrong. They released me, had me follow an officer outside and then…

Just left me out there and told me to take care.

When I went back in trying to get someone to drive me back to the location I was falsely arrested and picked up from, I was escorted out and told that I could get in trouble if I keep disturbing their work.

So I was released miles away from where I originally was.

I attempted to walk to the next town over which was a bad idea and gave up after that, it's too dangerous and there's nothing but road for a long walk, no sidewalks unsurprisingly:

Now that it's getting dark it's definitely a bad idea. I'm also much further from where I was than I thought.

So right now, I'm stuck in Hector Arkansas and not really sure what to do. It's getting later in the day, I'm nowhere near where I need too, and nobody seems to want to help me and I'm getting strange looks (racism?) so I've been putting myself out of trouble near some benches, and am trying to figure this out.

I know it's probably unlikely, but if there is someone who lives in rural Arkansas who may be able to help drive me back home, or anyone who can help me with an Uber or Taxi cost, I couldn't appreciate it more than right now. I have no idea where I am, I'm miles away from home, and there's no one here who wants to help or I can call and I am getting VERY clear unwelcoming vibes.

What is the point of taking someone you falsely arrested miles away and just throwing them out and saying good day? They just have the innocent person fend for themselves? I even had to explain WHY I was at the library, because I was looking for work, so they knew what my income situation is, absolutely insane that my previous insecure boss got the police to just take me to processing without any of them investigating further until after I was driven down here! Is this even legal???

But right now I just need to get home that's the first thing that needs to happen before it gets too late.

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