
Increase in quitting resturaunt jobs

I don't know the actual statistics on this but just by reading Reddit every day and being in resturaunt subs like serverlife and kitchenconfidential I can say that, every day, I see several people posting about 'permanently' quitting their resturaunt job. I say 'permanently' because I know how easy it is to fall back in, but I really do hope they stay out. I'm currently in the resturaunt industry and I have so much respect for those who are in it so much deeper than I am. I work hard, but not nearly as hard as some of them do. The posts always include some detail like “Now I can be home for Mother's Day” and it just sends a shiver down my spine. Honestly, if customers and CEOs think the job is so easy, they can come work it now. If you are like me and in the resturaunt…

I don't know the actual statistics on this but just by reading Reddit every day and being in resturaunt subs like serverlife and kitchenconfidential I can say that, every day, I see several people posting about 'permanently' quitting their resturaunt job. I say 'permanently' because I know how easy it is to fall back in, but I really do hope they stay out. I'm currently in the resturaunt industry and I have so much respect for those who are in it so much deeper than I am. I work hard, but not nearly as hard as some of them do. The posts always include some detail like “Now I can be home for Mother's Day” and it just sends a shiver down my spine.

Honestly, if customers and CEOs think the job is so easy, they can come work it now.

If you are like me and in the resturaunt or fast food industry, I encourage you to get out, too. I'm working on it myself.

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