
The attempt to divide us over politics (some which are red herring) is so obvious and unfortunately been successful.

When I talk to older people something they tell me is that while there have been plenty disagreements over politics, it was civil for the most part. The media may make fun of the opposition party or call names. but there was no real seriousness in them. ​ But nowadays it's all black or white without nuance. ​ Let's take LGBTQ for an example. I'm confident that for 99.9% people, they simply have better things to care about than who two grown ups date. But I feel like both sides make it a bigger deal than it really is. Even anti-LGBTQ people won't care unless you force them to accept opposite belief. ​ Gun politics? Why politicians won't propose Czech style gun laws is beyond me. I don't have the time to get into details, but as long as you have appropriate license, you actually have more freedom regarding what…

When I talk to older people something they tell me is that while there have been plenty disagreements over politics, it was civil for the most part. The media may make fun of the opposition party or call names. but there was no real seriousness in them.

But nowadays it's all black or white without nuance.

Let's take LGBTQ for an example. I'm confident that for 99.9% people, they simply have better things to care about than who two grown ups date. But I feel like both sides make it a bigger deal than it really is. Even anti-LGBTQ people won't care unless you force them to accept opposite belief.

Gun politics? Why politicians won't propose Czech style gun laws is beyond me. I don't have the time to get into details, but as long as you have appropriate license, you actually have more freedom regarding what can be owned than US. So why gun-control groups funded by Bloomberg, Soros etc. won't propose such is beyond me.

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