
Is 3% a sizable raise?

In January, I had an annual review in which I received a promotion. At the time I was a supervisor for a small customer service team of 12 with one other supervisor. I was promoted to QA Analyst, but really I’m the head. In the meeting my boss said that the job would come with a sizable pay raise, he may have said substantial. Either way the time came to talk about pay and I was offered 3%. I countered with 10% and got 6%. From talking with my colleagues I know I’m making less then them( they are either supervisors like I was or running a different department like I am).

In January, I had an annual review in which I received a promotion. At the time I was a supervisor for a small customer service team of 12 with one other supervisor. I was promoted to QA Analyst, but really I’m the head. In the meeting my boss said that the job would come with a sizable pay raise, he may have said substantial. Either way the time came to talk about pay and I was offered 3%. I countered with 10% and got 6%. From talking with my colleagues I know I’m making less then them( they are either supervisors like I was or running a different department like I am).

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