
If you’ve ever contemplated leaving a job but wasn’t sure, what was your sign or what happened that finally helped you decide?

Trying to keep this short and not give away too much as far as where I guess! I’m having a difficult time making a decision and taking a leap of faith on creating a plan to find something else, as I would NEVER quit without having something lined up first. I’ve been with my company for 5 years but current position for 1 year, which was a promotion from the last. More money and a better title put stars in my eyes at first, I won’t lie. However, the only pro left that I can speak to at this time, is the fact that we work from home. They fail both our clients and our employees on a regular basis and like majority of large corporations, the bottom line is the bottom dollar. It shouldn’t even be a stressful job, yet somehow it is for my entire team. It’s also…

Trying to keep this short and not give away too much as far as where I guess! I’m having a difficult time making a decision and taking a leap of faith on creating a plan to find something else, as I would NEVER quit without having something lined up first. I’ve been with my company for 5 years but current position for 1 year, which was a promotion from the last. More money and a better title put stars in my eyes at first, I won’t lie. However, the only pro left that I can speak to at this time, is the fact that we work from home. They fail both our clients and our employees on a regular basis and like majority of large corporations, the bottom line is the bottom dollar. It shouldn’t even be a stressful job, yet somehow it is for my entire team. It’s also a little hard to even alleviate that stress, as it’s like pulling teeth to use time off and when it is granted, most of us still work during that time, due to fear of how much more the work load will be when we return. For context, I took 2 days of a vacation a couple weeks ago and came back 257 emails, both direct and just me copied. Just two days 🤯 Lastly, it’s now affecting family time. Mandatory OT (which was previously forbidden) is now in play, to try to catch up to the fact that people started leaving several months ago, with no hurried plans for them to backfill. My husband works nights, with usually 1 day off himself and my son does summer camp all day, with pickup time at 6pm. He usually goes to bed at 9pm and lately, the time spent between that is, you guessed it, working. Random hours on the weekend when they decide we’re needed, working. He’s attached to my hip so he will usually bring all his books, arts and crafts, balls, games and whatever else in my office and hang out but it’s not the same vibe and I hate it. Both son and husband are basically feelings like “damn, you’re always working”. Thankfully, I’m able to cook meals ahead of time on weeks where I know time will be REAL tight, so that helps save a little time too at least. I don’t know, we get this ONE life and I just wanna find balance in it I guess. Any advice is appreciated and helpful. Thanks for reading.

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