
Last day of a job I hate

7 years working at a place where management believes the only reason supervision exists is to punish people. Well I say people but we get treated like objects based on our work production. I have been applying for over 1 year now. Had an interview last December and thought I had the job. They went with someone else, I remained kind and professional when I found out but was super bummed. 3 months later that job calls me, says they reposted the job, they want me to apply. I did, went through the interview and got offered. In the span of 4 weeks I went from mentally and emotionally drained to the happiest I have been in years. My new job has showed me nothing but appreciation and the hiring manager went out of his way to help me. Stay positive, it’s hard, but you can do it. I work…

7 years working at a place where management believes the only reason supervision exists is to punish people. Well I say people but we get treated like objects based on our work production. I have been applying for over 1 year now. Had an interview last December and thought I had the job. They went with someone else, I remained kind and professional when I found out but was super bummed. 3 months later that job calls me, says they reposted the job, they want me to apply. I did, went through the interview and got offered. In the span of 4 weeks I went from mentally and emotionally drained to the happiest I have been in years. My new job has showed me nothing but appreciation and the hiring manager went out of his way to help me.

Stay positive, it’s hard, but you can do it. I work for a state office and am transferring to another state job. I did take a slight pay cut, gave up some hybrid remote work for a few months while I learn the new job, and I have to dress in business attire instead of sweats. And I still feel like I am getting the better end of this deal.

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