
Job asking to much in to little of time.

As the title says my job is asking me to do too much in to little of time. I Detail boats and normally I have 8 hours to complete a full detail (hull, trailer, interior) the last three weeks I have been asked to do jobs faster then I can do a good job. I’ve been asked to do full details in 3,4 and even 5 hours. I’d say about 40 to 50 percent of the details I’ve done in the last 3 weeks have been rushed. Not only do I not feel good about the work I’m doing, I’m getting stressed out from all these crazy time lines. So stressed out I called in sick today because I don’t want to be stressed out 3 days in a row and try to complete a full detail in 3.5 hours. When I got the job the owner said he didn’t…

As the title says my job is asking me to do too much in to little of time. I Detail boats and normally I have 8 hours to complete a full detail (hull, trailer, interior) the last three weeks I have been asked to do jobs faster then I can do a good job. I’ve been asked to do full details in 3,4 and even 5 hours. I’d say about 40 to 50 percent of the details I’ve done in the last 3 weeks have been rushed. Not only do I not feel good about the work I’m doing, I’m getting stressed out from all these crazy time lines. So stressed out I called in sick today because I don’t want to be stressed out 3 days in a row and try to complete a full detail in 3.5 hours. When I got the job the owner said he didn’t want to have low quality detailing and that’s what I feel I’m doing right now, and I’m not even sure the owner is aware this happening. They keep telling me that it’s “That time of the year where everyone wants their boat.” While I understand that, it just hurts me on the inside knowing I’ve done not a good job on something I’m really good at… This may be more of a rant then anything but
I needed to get it off my chest.
Thank you.

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