
What should I do here?

I'm looking for some general advice on what I could/should do. Small bit of context. I work at an autoparts store and over heard part of a call the district manager (dm) was on. So, I was putting frieght away last week, sticking parts on shelves in the back, when i unintentionally overheard the dm on the phone. He was maybe a few feet away and around a corner from me, and his voice carries pretty easily. Now for what I heard. Dm was one He phone with what sounded like a store manager of another location. They, from what I gathered, were discussing an employee they either didn't like or had problems with. And then I heard Dm's solution. He told the store manager to schedule the employee to work Sundays, and if the employee claims they can't due to being LDS, then the employee would then have to…

I'm looking for some general advice on what I could/should do.

Small bit of context. I work at an autoparts store and over heard part of a call the district manager (dm) was on.

So, I was putting frieght away last week, sticking parts on shelves in the back, when i unintentionally overheard the dm on the phone. He was maybe a few feet away and around a corner from me, and his voice carries pretty easily.

Now for what I heard.

Dm was one He phone with what sounded like a store manager of another location. They, from what I gathered, were discussing an employee they either didn't like or had problems with. And then I heard Dm's solution. He told the store manager to schedule the employee to work Sundays, and if the employee claims they can't due to being LDS, then the employee would then have to submit paperwork to HR to have Sundays off.

The Dm then said, when HR approves this (because they can't really deny it) to have the store manager drop the employee to part time.

Now, that's all I hears and so I know I don't have the full story, but does it matter? It really sounded like the Dm and store manager are doing everything they can to make this employees life hell so they'll quit, rather than fire them.

A couple friends said I should email HR and report this, but would they even do anything? Could I report anonymously? What should I do here?

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