
My direct boss, who is 8 years younger than me, is declining my request to be ONE HOUR LATE on Monday morning so I can attend my godson’s birthday party on Sunday and stay with them overnight.

The father is my best friend and also a coworker – albeit a different position but same location. Not much of a story. Dude is 20 something, I’m 30 something, and apparently my 72 hour request to be literally one hour late doesn’t trump his constant 10-20 minutes late every goddamn day. I do all the work and he sits in the office eating trail mix and bitching about freight orders, is never on time, and texts me like 10-20 minutes before our shift starts (we need two people by company policy to unlock a door) to let me know that traffic sucks or whatever garbage he spews. I’ve never been late, I always wait for him because I am not a key holder and he is, and he’s always texting me that he’s “stuck in traffic” while I sit outside waiting. The one time I ask for ONE HOUR.…

The father is my best friend and also a coworker – albeit a different position but same location.

Not much of a story.

Dude is 20 something, I’m 30 something, and apparently my 72 hour request to be literally one hour late doesn’t trump his constant 10-20 minutes late every goddamn day.

I do all the work and he sits in the office eating trail mix and bitching about freight orders, is never on time, and texts me like 10-20 minutes before our shift starts (we need two people by company policy to unlock a door) to let me know that traffic sucks or whatever garbage he spews.

I’ve never been late, I always wait for him because I am not a key holder and he is, and he’s always texting me that he’s “stuck in traffic” while I sit outside waiting.

The one time I ask for ONE HOUR. Three days in advance. He says no, because he has a count he has to do and if he has to stay until 5 instead of 4 his fiancé will freak out about having to watch their infant.

Would you report him or let himself get fired?

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