
It’s Monday and I wish I was dead.

Same thing many of us feel every Monday. For myself, I have 40 hours of the most mond numbing, soul killing shit ever conceived while having the privilege of being paid peanuts for it that's somehow expected to pay any expenses at all. My boss is completely oblivious, and is this bubbly personality type who believes $15/hr is adequate and doesn't understand why everyone doesn't have a side hustle to make up for what we don't get paid there. I don't have the energy for a fucking side hustle when I get done with my day. Not because my job is particularly difficult or laborious, but because it's so boring and pointless I spend most of the day just going through the motions and trying to act happy/excited when all I want to do is scream. You'd be surprised how much energy sheer boredom and disdain zap from the human…

Same thing many of us feel every Monday. For myself, I have 40 hours of the most mond numbing, soul killing shit ever conceived while having the privilege of being paid peanuts for it that's somehow expected to pay any expenses at all. My boss is completely oblivious, and is this bubbly personality type who believes $15/hr is adequate and doesn't understand why everyone doesn't have a side hustle to make up for what we don't get paid there.

I don't have the energy for a fucking side hustle when I get done with my day. Not because my job is particularly difficult or laborious, but because it's so boring and pointless I spend most of the day just going through the motions and trying to act happy/excited when all I want to do is scream. You'd be surprised how much energy sheer boredom and disdain zap from the human body, not to mention lack of physical activity. I'm the type who needs to keep moving and doing different things to keep my energy.

Helping special needs folks (who I do love) with coloring, painting, and make things from play dough and glitter, then endlessly documenting on this shi, per state and federal regulations, just isn't for me anymore.

This isn't to say I'm against working. To the contrary, I love working with my hands; maintenance, residential construction/handyman stuff and what not, but I am not good enough at it or fast enough to be on a construction crew or independent. Now places won't hire you for maintenance unless you take a bunch of courses like EPA and HVAC, which I have zero interest in, or energy for due to the reasons listed above (money, energy).

I know there are solutions, like gutting it up and taking whatever courses I need to get hired on as maintenance, at least. But then in America there's no guarantee those will get me hired anywhere because I don't have 2+ years experience employers expect us to magically have right out of the box. And I also just needed to whine before going in for another “fun filled” week of fucking coloring, glittering, play-doughing and typing the most boring shit ever put on paper to appease the bureaucrats.

I hate this life. But I'm going to find a way out of it.

Thanks for letting me vent.

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