
Is it worth it to leave my job?

Current scenario: have a decent 9-6 job, earning 50k annually, flexible hours, great benefits, basic leave entitlement, 55mins transport, one way (normal where I live) Incompetent & crap boss, snobby colleagues, don't fit in, overloaded, culture is meh, no progression unless you have a masters (which I have 0% interest in getting), not my field of interest and study, no valuable skills learned but easy job Possible new scenario: 9-6, slightly lower salary, fixed hours, no benefits, basic leave entitlement, 1.5+ hr traveling (one way) (much longer), possibly gaining valuable skills in the industry Recommended by my ex manager (good rs) reco new boss is good, willing to hire me despite no relevant experience (struggle to find job in industry of interest due to lack of relevant experience) willing to train from scratch, small team, unsure abt progression, my field of interest and study, potentially difficult job as self study…

Current scenario:

have a decent 9-6 job, earning 50k annually, flexible hours, great benefits, basic leave entitlement, 55mins transport, one way (normal where I live)
Incompetent & crap boss, snobby colleagues, don't fit in, overloaded, culture is meh, no progression unless you have a masters (which I have 0% interest in getting), not my field of interest and study, no valuable skills learned but easy job

Possible new scenario:

9-6, slightly lower salary, fixed hours, no benefits, basic leave entitlement, 1.5+ hr traveling (one way) (much longer), possibly gaining valuable skills in the industry
Recommended by my ex manager (good rs) reco new boss is good, willing to hire me despite no relevant experience (struggle to find job in industry of interest due to lack of relevant experience) willing to train from scratch, small team, unsure abt progression, my field of interest and study, potentially difficult job as self study is required to understand the process

Note: I'm undertaking part time degree so I have to travel to school after work so traveling time is a significant factor here. Not moving because rentals are crazy. In desperate need of advice.

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