
Teaching the children early that their life will never be anything other than spending every free waking moment working I guess.

Because I guess the 1-2 hours we spent every got damn night over the course of the damn school year wasn’t enough right. I know this isn’t necessarily “work related” but all I can see this as, is preparation to “work until your fingers grind down to bone and your eyes bleed from lack of sleep”. I know I’m being a little dramatic but DAMN. The child is 6 dammit. SIX. He’s only going into second grade this coming year. Can kids even enjoy their damn summer anymore??? Rant over. ‍🤬

Because I guess the 1-2 hours we spent every got damn night over the course of the damn school year wasn’t enough right. I know this isn’t necessarily “work related” but all I can see this as, is preparation to “work until your fingers grind down to bone and your eyes bleed from lack of sleep”. I know I’m being a little dramatic but DAMN. The child is 6 dammit. SIX. He’s only going into second grade this coming year. Can kids even enjoy their damn summer anymore??? Rant over.

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