
Groupchat troubles

Hey y'all I work for a popular fast food place and they deleted our crew app so my coworkers got the bright idea to create a new app for us to use as a groupchat, GroupMe. Now I wasn't even into the original app so I don't know why I even joined but whatever point of the story is I did. Well last night one of my coworkers left me in the window by myself for an extended period of time and when she came back she was speaking so loudly that I couldn't hear the customers (also she was getting in my personal space and constantly telling me how to do my job which caused me to lose my focus and have to remake a diet and regular Pepsi” so naturally I told her “please stop you're being too loud and I'm overstimulated as all insert bad word!” Anyways…

Hey y'all I work for a popular fast food place and they deleted our crew app so my coworkers got the bright idea to create a new app for us to use as a groupchat, GroupMe.

Now I wasn't even into the original app so I don't know why I even joined but whatever point of the story is I did.

Well last night one of my coworkers left me in the window by myself for an extended period of time and when she came back she was speaking so loudly that I couldn't hear the customers (also she was getting in my personal space and constantly telling me how to do my job which caused me to lose my focus and have to remake a diet and regular Pepsi” so naturally I told her “please stop you're being too loud and I'm overstimulated as all insert bad word!”

Anyways she runs away and tells my manager she needs a minute (LEAVING ME IN WINDOW ALONE AGAIN) and then starts talking behind my back in front of everyone loud enough for me to hear. But whatever, I brush it off and keep going.

Then she tells me to give her and my manager a minute while I'm doing dishes BASICALLY ASKING ME TO LEAVE THE AREA IM WORKING IN (not like she does any side jobs) and I tell her no let's all discuss this like grown people.

So we do, and my manager tells me cussing someone out is grounds for immediate termination (she's not even close to higher up she's a shift lead) so I told her “uhm well I'm definitely not being terminated and I didn't cuss her out.” But anyways point is I apologized like thrice that night and all was good.

But before that I did text this group chat with what happened just to clear my name, and one of my other managers who's insufferable by the way and asks me to come in and close knowing I'll say no because I can't drive says all passive aggressively

“OP, next time you need to talk to a manager and not share that with the whole store!”

So you know what I did instead of retorting because I don't wanna lose my job? I left the groupchat and it's gonna give them a little notification I did too.

Suck it suckers it's not mandatory

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