
When “you’re always welcome back here” is just a lie

I worked a job I kind of hated. I didn't hate it at first but the management team for my department made me grow to hate it. I left to pursue my dream job in aviation. I was always a little sour with the department, but I always did my job and had better numbers than almost every single person in the department, quality and quantity. And I maintain that all I ever did was defend myself against unequal punishments and uneven policy enforcement, and preserve my rights to talk about unionizing, working condidtions, and pay. When I left, I gave a 2 week notice, wrote a nice letter, and even set up the potential for my return for part time work, as I was taking a pay cut to work in aviation and start working my way up. I was told that i would always be welcomed back. A…

I worked a job I kind of hated. I didn't hate it at first but the management team for my department made me grow to hate it. I left to pursue my dream job in aviation.

I was always a little sour with the department, but I always did my job and had better numbers than almost every single person in the department, quality and quantity. And I maintain that all I ever did was defend myself against unequal punishments and uneven policy enforcement, and preserve my rights to talk about unionizing, working condidtions, and pay.

When I left, I gave a 2 week notice, wrote a nice letter, and even set up the potential for my return for part time work, as I was taking a pay cut to work in aviation and start working my way up. I was told that i would always be welcomed back.

A few months later, my new job is awesome but the pay cut is really pulling me down. So I contacted the CEO to ask to come back for a while. He agreed and said I would be welcomed back as if I never left. And to his credit, I think he believed it. He is a mentor of mine and has coached me for my resume and interviewing skills.

But the department managers said I had a bad attitude at the end and they knew I wouldn't stay for a career so they didn't want me back.

It'd be different if it wasn't a production line with a really high turnover rate already. And it felt really fake for them to say I could come back but then take it right back when I tried to.

I hate corporations. Even the small ones act like garbage to their employees and former employees.

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