
I hate capitalism

Context. I'm a closeted queer person and living with my very conservative parents for financial reasons. And with how much I make a month… If I were to move out I would need to find a place to rent for 1000 a month or cheaper… The only places I can find that match that are 30 minutes away from where I work. Which would result in an increase in my gas usage and quite frankly I don't want to drive that far to go to a place where I feel underutilized and underpaid just to drive 30 minutes back to collapse in bed and start over again in the morning. That's not for me. So that means I'm gonna need a new job, but I suck at interviews! Like my brain doesn't operate well when I have to be like “this is why you should hire me” like I got…

Context. I'm a closeted queer person and living with my very conservative parents for financial reasons. And with how much I make a month… If I were to move out I would need to find a place to rent for 1000 a month or cheaper… The only places I can find that match that are 30 minutes away from where I work. Which would result in an increase in my gas usage and quite frankly I don't want to drive that far to go to a place where I feel underutilized and underpaid just to drive 30 minutes back to collapse in bed and start over again in the morning. That's not for me. So that means I'm gonna need a new job, but I suck at interviews! Like my brain doesn't operate well when I have to be like “this is why you should hire me” like I got my current job because the place was desperate (but clearly not desperate enough to offer a livable wage) and I got my job before it because the place was desperate (though not desperate enough to hire another person so I wouldn't have to be squeezing oranges 5 days a week and that's why I quit that one) and the only job I had before that one was more or less an internship (DCP for those who know what that means) so of course it was temporary and at the end of it I didn't have the money I would need to move there to work full time (and of course now I wouldn't want to work desatan being a fucking fascist pig) and what do these companies do when they keep losing people and getting complaints from their employees about being stretched too thin? “Nobody wants to work anymore” bull fucking shit. More like people don't want to work in a dead end job where they can barely afford to keep themselves alive where they're not paid any extra for doing double or triple the work because they're short staffed and now one person has to do the job of 3 just to keep the place running! Why the fuck should I have to live with my parents just so you're corporate heads can go on extravagant vacations or whatever the fuck they're doing with that money they aren't paying down? And before any trolls who might come to this sub to be all high and mighty and say shit like “maybe you should get a real job meh meh meh minimum wage is for high schoolers meh meh meh” no! You don't get to say what is and isn't a real job. And minimum wage was created so every person in the workforce can have a livable wage. And if the wage I'm getting at my workplace is intended “just for high schoolers” then that places operating hours would reflect that. The store would have to open at 5pm and close at 9pm on weekdays. And to top it off I'm currently on the morning shifts working with people I don't feel safe talking to about my identity. One of the things I loved was having made friends on the night shift I could talk to openly but now our work schedules don't allow that and our days off aren't lining up so I've got no safe people to talk to at home, or at work, and I have no idea how to start up a social life outside of work. And even if I did there's the trouble of figuring out who is and isn't safe to talk to because I live in a relatively red town.

I fucking hate this capitalist, borderline fascist hellscape we live in.

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