
Can we please finally get rid of the “get a real job” mentality.

I’m a full time unpaid caregiver to two physically and cognitively disabled parents. For years I’ve had to depend on server and gig work jobs just to get by. This was not the plan I had for myself but that’s life and I’m doing my best to adapt. I will never understand the dehumanization of people who work “low income”“unskilled” labor jobs. Anytime you even mention the unethical practices of these companies the very first thing I hear is “get a real job”. What exactly is a real job?As if low wages and zero benefits is a personal choice that I have made for myself? These are the very same jobs that were propped up as the “heroes” during the pandemic. This mentality is only for the benefit of exploitive companies. My self worth and value does not come from the amount of money I make. Anyone who is able…

I’m a full time unpaid caregiver to two physically and cognitively disabled parents. For years I’ve had to depend on server and gig work jobs just to get by. This was not the plan I had for myself but that’s life and I’m doing my best to adapt. I will never understand the dehumanization of people who work “low income”“unskilled” labor jobs. Anytime you even mention the unethical practices of these companies the very first thing I hear is “get a real job”. What exactly is a real job?As if low wages and zero benefits is a personal choice that I have made for myself? These are the very same jobs that were propped up as the “heroes” during the pandemic. This mentality is only for the benefit of exploitive companies. My self worth and value does not come from the amount of money I make. Anyone who is able and willing to work should not be vilified and treated like scum for not making a specific amount of income. The same people who say things like this will be the first to go out to eat at a restaurant and then call an Uber once they’re too drunk to get home. Everyone deserves to make a livable wage. It doesn’t matter if you’re a janitor or a doctor. We all have value and all contribute to the collective society.

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