
Is there anything I can do about my boss treating employees he knows in his personal life differently from everyone else

I work in the middle of iowa at a family owned business with less than 40 employees. My boss clearly treats people differently if you know him from his personal life and not just as an employee. For example there's an older guy that's essentially hated by everyone in the ware house, he's relieved multiple complaints from various different people about him and nothing happens to him. But as soon as me and another younger dude accidentally mess up an order we received then we were talked to and treated like idiots. The bosses son also gets severe special treatment. If you work in the warehouse your allowed to listen to earbuds as long a they are wireless that way they don't get caught in any of the machines. The son isn't just listening to his phone but he full on watches movies and YouTube and stuff. There was a…

I work in the middle of iowa at a family owned business with less than 40 employees. My boss clearly treats people differently if you know him from his personal life and not just as an employee. For example there's an older guy that's essentially hated by everyone in the ware house, he's relieved multiple complaints from various different people about him and nothing happens to him. But as soon as me and another younger dude accidentally mess up an order we received then we were talked to and treated like idiots. The bosses son also gets severe special treatment. If you work in the warehouse your allowed to listen to earbuds as long a they are wireless that way they don't get caught in any of the machines. The son isn't just listening to his phone but he full on watches movies and YouTube and stuff. There was a couple weeks straight where my specific machine didn't have anything running through it so I was just helping other people in there departments and while I was doing that I also wrote down on a notepad everytime he would get out his phone or go to the bathroom. On average he was not doing his job for 3 hours and 40 out of a 6 hour shift. And yes I meant 6 hours he doesn't have to work a full 8 shift because he doesn't like it and his dad allows him to leave. On Friday he was supposed to pack up an order that should've taken 2 hours total to finish and he only got half of it done by the time he left for the day. If he was at any normal job he wouldve been fired the first day there. Everyone in the warehouse knows he and several others receives special treatment but it doesn't seem like anything we do will help. I'm tired of the double standards. Is there anything I can even do. I'd prefer not to quit because I have medical problems and this specific type of job is rare where I live and it's much easier for me to perform. But it's starting to get to that point where I don't care anymore. I'm one of the main machine operators and I'm the only one that knows to run my specific machine so I know I could fuck them over pretty well if I just up and left. Any thoughts? Thanks for any advice.

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