
I’m a middle manager leaving a terrible company – how do I help my team?

Like many over the past couple of years – I’ve had a bit of a turbulent career path. After being fortunate enough to get promoted into my dream job, my wonderful boss and tremendous director level boss both retired, getting me two new bosses who were horrific. After a meeting where I told my boss to “kiss my ass” I was off to a new opportunity. I’ve been in my current role for the past 18 months. The CEO recruited me into the role to eventually replace a VP level person who was expecting to retire. Unfortunately, over the past 18 months, the two octogenarians who each own 50% of the company have resorted to lawsuits (one guy wants to buy the other out, they can’t agree on price, and a receiver has been assigned by the courts who has basically said because of certain reasons this will never be…

Like many over the past couple of years – I’ve had a bit of a turbulent career path. After being fortunate enough to get promoted into my dream job, my wonderful boss and tremendous director level boss both retired, getting me two new bosses who were horrific. After a meeting where I told my boss to “kiss my ass” I was off to a new opportunity.

I’ve been in my current role for the past 18 months. The CEO recruited me into the role to eventually replace a VP level person who was expecting to retire. Unfortunately, over the past 18 months, the two octogenarians who each own 50% of the company have resorted to lawsuits (one guy wants to buy the other out, they can’t agree on price, and a receiver has been assigned by the courts who has basically said because of certain reasons this will never be resolved and the business will likely go insolvent).

There have been many promises to me that I’ve relayed to my team. 2 day WFH, flex hours, etc that have never been kept. I’ve quietly introduced 1 day WFH without any higher ups catching on, I’ve given slight flexibility on starting and ending times, but overall so many things where both me and my team are getting screwed, it’s time for me to go.

What is the best way to support my team as I transition to a new company? Most of these people have never really been managed or supervised, and frankly I’ve seen each of them grow and change for the positive due to their desire to get better. I want them to land on their feet, whether that means getting out of the business while the gettin’ is good, or hanging around till the end but having the knowledge/info/skills to go out and get their next job.

How can I best support them?

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