
Angry and confused…

Some of the wacky things I have had to deal with at work for the past 10 years. Got yelled at FOR including upper management in an email about an employee violating policy, and then got yelled at even more for NOT including them in the email to IT about a printer not connecting to the network. For saw an issue occurring and developed a plan to address that issue. Informed upper management about said plan and asked if they were ok with me going forward with it and never heard anything back. When the issue occurred, I used my plan and solved the problem, I was then scolded about using my plan because my supervisor was supposed to come up with a plan and didn't. Was told by upper management that other supervisors and I were not doing our jobs. We were made to send daily emails that outlined…

Some of the wacky things I have had to deal with at work for the past 10 years.

Got yelled at FOR including upper management in an email about an employee violating policy, and then got yelled at even more for NOT including them in the email to IT about a printer not connecting to the network.

For saw an issue occurring and developed a plan to address that issue. Informed upper management about said plan and asked if they were ok with me going forward with it and never heard anything back. When the issue occurred, I used my plan and solved the problem, I was then scolded about using my plan because my supervisor was supposed to come up with a plan and didn't.

Was told by upper management that other supervisors and I were not doing our jobs. We were made to send daily emails that outlined everything we did for that day. When we were again told that we were still not doing our jobs we asked what specifically we were not doing correctly. Upper managements response was to have us write job descriptions so they could tell us what we were not doing.

Was told by upper management that when an employee didn't do their tasks correctly, I had to go and do it for them, so they felt supported, or I was a poor leader.

I was the only employee nominated for a company award. The award was instead given to my supervisor at the holiday party I helped organize and pay for.

Had to fight to use bereavement leave after the death of my grandfather despite policy clearing stating that grandparents were covered in the policy.

Had an employee scream at me in the break room about having to do overtime, while I was at work on my day off to help cover overtime.

An employee informed me that they were sexually assaulted/harassed by another employee and had reported the incident to upper management. The employee asked that I not say anything to anybody, and just wanted me to be aware of the incident, so I didn't schedule them together. Employee then filed a lawsuit against me for not reporting the incident that was already reported and not saying anything after they asked me not to. (Company won the lawsuit.)

Was talked to by upper management for asking the receptionist that I have to pass every day on my way in how their weekend was and not asking the boss.

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