
Our Global Cultural Norm is … Anger

I have a theory… everyone is angry at everyone else.. so damn angry.. in the US… we're going to ban books… allow schools to get shot up… hurt each other just because of our religious beliefs.. or skin color or gender.. when we just haven't figured out that why we're ALL angry is that a small sliver of the population owns just about everything… and leaves almost nothing for you. It's not your “workright”.. it's your birthright like every other organism on this planet. Happy Fathers Day…

I have a theory… everyone is angry at everyone else.. so damn angry.. in the US… we're going to ban books… allow schools to get shot up… hurt each other just because of our religious beliefs.. or skin color or gender.. when we just haven't figured out that why we're ALL angry is that a small sliver of the population owns just about everything… and leaves almost nothing for you. It's not your “workright”.. it's your birthright like every other organism on this planet.

Happy Fathers Day…

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