
I absolutely hate dealing with BS paperwork about healthcare, taxes, employment, etc..

None of it makes sense. All I care about is if this costs money. If I call customer service, I never get a straight answer. And always worry if I fill it out wrong. Always some missing information that I “should have” included, and takes way too long to get a response back. I don't know anything about what I'm filling out. None of it is taught in school, and is always changing to an even more obscure process. I remember at the DMV, I had to fill out the same form twice. Separately. For 2 pieces of information about my car. The form contained both of those sections. Meaning, I was able to fill out the form for BOTH pieces of information in one paper. But for some reason I had to fill it out twice. This over redundant bureaucracy needs to be killed. It's a waste of tax…

None of it makes sense. All I care about is if this costs money. If I call customer service, I never get a straight answer. And always worry if I fill it out wrong. Always some missing information that I “should have” included, and takes way too long to get a response back. I don't know anything about what I'm filling out. None of it is taught in school, and is always changing to an even more obscure process.

I remember at the DMV, I had to fill out the same form twice. Separately. For 2 pieces of information about my car. The form contained both of those sections. Meaning, I was able to fill out the form for BOTH pieces of information in one paper. But for some reason I had to fill it out twice. This over redundant bureaucracy needs to be killed. It's a waste of tax payer money, it puts immense stress over people lives, and interferes with our already overworked life. I don't think people should be forced to take a day off work, putting their employment at jeopardy, over broken and convoluted system.

And I think that the terrible funding of these public services done deliberately. Both on corporate and government sides. If public services were on par or surpass private services, people would be more compelled to support public. And that'll hurt profits for companies. Which will make these CEOs angry and demand change through backdoor agreements. And since these public services are underfunded, short staffed, and slow, it keeps the perception that government services are bad and persevere the private sector as the best choice for serviceability and cost.

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