
Is it normal for supervisors to watch the cameras at all hours?

I work in fast food as a manager & i find it very creepy when our supervisor texts us in the group chat saying that he can “see what’s going on” & tell us to correct the issue. Like, why are you watching us like that? I get reviewing the cameras periodically if there is a problem or complaint on a certain shift. But to sit there & watch them at home at all hours is very weird & just shows that you absolutely don’t trust your employees. Idk, I think I want to quit tbh bc not only does he see us, he also listens to us talk & will ask us about our conversations. It just feels invasive. Am I wrong or is this just overboard micromanaging?

I work in fast food as a manager & i find it very creepy when our supervisor texts us in the group chat saying that he can “see what’s going on” & tell us to correct the issue. Like, why are you watching us like that? I get reviewing the cameras periodically if there is a problem or complaint on a certain shift. But to sit there & watch them at home at all hours is very weird & just shows that you absolutely don’t trust your employees. Idk, I think I want to quit tbh bc not only does he see us, he also listens to us talk & will ask us about our conversations. It just feels invasive. Am I wrong or is this just overboard micromanaging?

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