
“Gender Diversity” Policies – Is this Legal?

I am not an HR expert nor a lawyer, but something about this seems incredibly wrong. My company I’ve been with nearly 10 years, major international corporation, is mostly male dominated due to the type of work. Historically, you would not see Women at the job sites, which means many Women didn’t make it into Managerial positions either. The industry is still male dominated, but it kinda makes sense.. it’s brutal, physically demanding work, that requires you to work on a job site away from home for weeks to months. Most Women I know who went into this line of work quit in 6 months or found a way into a different type of support role. My company has this diversity goal of having more women in the workplace, which to me is great and I am all for it. They have worked hard recruiting women and making the work…

I am not an HR expert nor a lawyer, but something about this seems incredibly wrong.

My company I’ve been with nearly 10 years, major international corporation, is mostly male dominated due to the type of work. Historically, you would not see Women at the job sites, which means many Women didn’t make it into Managerial positions either. The industry is still male dominated, but it kinda makes sense.. it’s brutal, physically demanding work, that requires you to work on a job site away from home for weeks to months. Most Women I know who went into this line of work quit in 6 months or found a way into a different type of support role.

My company has this diversity goal of having more women in the workplace, which to me is great and I am all for it. They have worked hard recruiting women and making the work sites better and more accommodating for them. Kuddos to the industry for this.

Here’s my problem.. my company is so focused on having more women representation, that the CEO.. HR Management and other executives have repeated the same thing “If I am hiring for a Manager and I have a Man’s resume and a Woman’s resume on the desk, I am choosing the Woman… because we need to be a more inclusive company.”

This sounds down right illegal, wrong, and total BS. Basically, they are saying it’s not about your skills or abilities, it’s about your gender?!?!?!? Needless to say I have been overlooked numerous times for better positions being jumped over by a woman with half the experience and half the knowledge of me.

This is no joke… CEO of a majorly traded NYSE Corp pushing this mentality.

This can’t be legal can it?

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