
My Experience as a Groundskeeper for a Multi Millionaire

I'll just give some basic history of myself first before I tell you my Experience. I'm a white male (24) living in the Ozarks. I have worked previously as a groundskeeper for 1 company for almost 8 years. (3 seasonal years) and the rest full time. During this time period I have achieved the goal of getting an associates degree within 3 years. I had no real days off during those 3 years. I was brought up in a family that worked in education. It is installed in me that a degree means everything to a financially secure life. Just recently I quit that 1 company after numerous loyal years of hard manual labor. I decided to go back to college and get a bachelors degree in something that im passionate about.. I did not want to continue being a groundskeeper for the rest of my life….even though I toot…

I'll just give some basic history of myself first before I tell you my Experience.

I'm a white male (24) living in the Ozarks. I have worked previously as a groundskeeper for 1 company for almost 8 years. (3 seasonal years) and the rest full time. During this time period I have achieved the goal of getting an associates degree within 3 years. I had no real days off during those 3 years. I was brought up in a family that worked in education. It is installed in me that a degree means everything to a financially secure life.

Just recently I quit that 1 company after numerous loyal years of hard manual labor. I decided to go back to college and get a bachelors degree in something that im passionate about.. I did not want to continue being a groundskeeper for the rest of my life….even though I toot my horn about it.

I recently got employed by a multi Millionaire to be his groundskeeper while I attend full time college. I've done it before so I can do it again!
I am used to taking care of 30 acres……He owns 170 acres of land on just one of his numerous properties!!

I am very thankful of him though. He is paying me more than I thought he would and he even let's me choose my own hours! I have no deadlines for anything except when he has businessmen coming to visit.

Today I was tasked with power washing his driveway at his house and also Trimming the lawn. I was told to set up my lunch area in one of his workshops. This garage is the smallest on his property. It dwarfs my own house! It includes a woodshop, golf simulator, and two wave runners in the first bay. I was looking for the restroom and to my suprise I just find 4 more wave runners and a few motorcycles.

I have never felt so small in my life! This guy has everything and anything. My dumpy ass is still a groundskeeper!

Moral of the story…..own the grounds or you will just be a groundskeeper.

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