
I guess no one gets breaks in restaurants?

I’ve been working as a “beertender” for a new brewery/restaurant that’s opening up. Days have been long and insanely stressful working the soft opening events. I’ve been getting pushback for mentioning we need breaks. My boss scolded me for bringing it up at a post shift meeting. We’ve been working 10 hour shifts setting up the place for hours even before the parties start. We have no real chance to sit besides taking 3 minutes to inhale whatever scraps the kitchen gives us. I told my friend about this and the only thing she said was “Welcome to the service industry!” Am I taking crazy pills? Every job I’ve ever had has made sure we all get our breaks.

I’ve been working as a “beertender” for a new brewery/restaurant that’s opening up. Days have been long and insanely stressful working the soft opening events.

I’ve been getting pushback for mentioning we need breaks. My boss scolded me for bringing it up at a post shift meeting. We’ve been working 10 hour shifts setting up the place for hours even before the parties start. We have no real chance to sit besides taking 3 minutes to inhale whatever scraps the kitchen gives us.

I told my friend about this and the only thing she said was “Welcome to the service industry!”

Am I taking crazy pills? Every job I’ve ever had has made sure we all get our breaks.

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