
Bank suggestions

Don't you just love it, when your bank says hey, interest rates are rising, but here are some thing to do, to “help” Dont use credit cards to help make ends meet.. Your kids? Meh, fuck em, they don't need to be in sports or extra curricular activities. Oh, and as if we don't work enough, get a side hustle!! Whomever wrote this is WAY out of touch of life.

Don't you just love it, when your bank says hey, interest rates are rising, but here are some thing to do, to “help”
Dont use credit cards to help make ends meet..
Your kids? Meh, fuck em, they don't need to be in sports or extra curricular activities.
Oh, and as if we don't work enough, get a side hustle!!

Whomever wrote this is WAY out of touch of life.

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