
Insubordinate behaviour

Hello, I'm wondering what your opinions are on this type of behaviour. Personally I have mild autism and am just going to work to do just that. My work. Be economically active. I do this as a junior accountant. I found that I work a lot more efficient if I do my own planning. Like I'm far more profitable this way and it allows me to be more at ease. My superior has told me numerous times that I shouldn't make my own planning and that I have to listen to her when she gives me a task. Personally I look at what work is available and make my own to do list. When I get asked to do stuff then I add it to my own list. It will be done let's say a day later than if I do it instantly. It doesn't look as if it matters…

Hello, I'm wondering what your opinions are on this type of behaviour.

Personally I have mild autism and am just going to work to do just that. My work. Be economically active. I do this as a junior accountant.

I found that I work a lot more efficient if I do my own planning. Like I'm far more profitable this way and it allows me to be more at ease.

My superior has told me numerous times that I shouldn't make my own planning and that I have to listen to her when she gives me a task.

Personally I look at what work is available and make my own to do list. When I get asked to do stuff then I add it to my own list. It will be done let's say a day later than if I do it instantly. It doesn't look as if it matters because all of the work has to be done anyways and there are no nearby deadlines. I'd even say that the work I chose has a quicker deadline than what I'm assigned to do.

I would love to be a freelancer, but the title of Accountant is by law protected in my country so I have to first be employed for like 5 years and have a sort of exploitative relationship with my employer who knows that I need that job in order to get certified.

Today my boss threatened to fire me for my insubordinate behaviour.

I wonder if I'm in the wrong here, if I'm too prideful.

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