
An awful manager fails to comply with process to request IT support and is tolerated

A particular manager is failing to comply with procedures to request IT resource and is trying to get round it at every turn and jump the queue. This is stressful for all concerned and other managers waiting for IT resource not impressed they need to follow protocols and fill in forms to get resource while this one doesn't bother and gets accommodated. Her resource requests typically have no business case justification, which the procedure she is trying to avoid asks for. She just wants more time saving toys for her personal convenience- none resulr in the company saving time or resource. She is misusing the IT helpdesk to lie things are “broken” when in actual fact nothing is broken, she is fishing for IT development instead of following the proper procedure. I suspect she has something on one of the managers there who is bending the rules to get her…

A particular manager is failing to comply with procedures to request IT resource and is trying to get round it at every turn and jump the queue. This is stressful for all concerned and other managers waiting for IT resource not impressed they need to follow protocols and fill in forms to get resource while this one doesn't bother and gets accommodated. Her resource requests typically have no business case justification, which the procedure she is trying to avoid asks for. She just wants more time saving toys for her personal convenience- none resulr in the company saving time or resource. She is misusing the IT helpdesk to lie things are “broken” when in actual fact nothing is broken, she is fishing for IT development instead of following the proper procedure. I suspect she has something on one of the managers there who is bending the rules to get her what she wants without following the procedure. What would you do here? Tipping off the other managers has been suggested and get them to raise a complaint with Directors that procedures are not being equally applied.

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