
Quit my job today. I was sick of being disrespected by a person who was supposed to be a leader but instead acted like a literal toddler

I worked as a manager at a parts store. We were without a store manager for months so I was the one who picked up the responsibilities to keep things running as smoothly as possible. They hired in a store manager 3 weeks ago, she contributed next to nothing. I was still in charge of scheduling since she didn’t want to do it. I’m taking my honeymoon trip next week and I was trying to get coverage so I asked if she wouldn’t mind taking a different day off. That caused her to start arguing and throwing a toddler sized fit because I guess I was acting entitled for having the audacity to change her set schedule, even though she’s the one person who is required to have the most open availability. I’ll post screenshots of the texts if anyone is interested, it’s a doozy. The day after the argument…

I worked as a manager at a parts store. We were without a store manager for months so I was the one who picked up the responsibilities to keep things running as smoothly as possible. They hired in a store manager 3 weeks ago, she contributed next to nothing. I was still in charge of scheduling since she didn’t want to do it. I’m taking my honeymoon trip next week and I was trying to get coverage so I asked if she wouldn’t mind taking a different day off. That caused her to start arguing and throwing a toddler sized fit because I guess I was acting entitled for having the audacity to change her set schedule, even though she’s the one person who is required to have the most open availability. I’ll post screenshots of the texts if anyone is interested, it’s a doozy. The day after the argument I got nothing but dirty looks and the silent treatment, even though I was as professional as possible and even apologized. That sealed the deal so I went out and bought a $1 sympathy card and left with no further warning.

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