
Every job sucks(??

So I’m currently working at a call center and at an ice cream place and I feel so miserable hahaha like I’m not working for fun but I need money since I’m studying abroad and my parents don’t support me economically. Do you guys have any tips, I’m burnt out between law school(which btw won’t assure me neither money in the future or a job apparently) and these jobs. Dealing with customers suck and I don’t even know what to look for anymore since I don’t have a degree/any gifted child on the news skills. Was working in clothing stores for the last year and a half but got laid off by Aerie since I didn’t mirror the company’s values one day before my trial period ended lol. Any tips on how to feel less miserable? Honestly I also just wanted to rant I cannot take this anymore and don’t…

So I’m currently working at a call center and at an ice cream place and I feel so miserable hahaha like I’m not working for fun but I need money since I’m studying abroad and my parents don’t support me economically. Do you guys have any tips, I’m burnt out between law school(which btw won’t assure me neither money in the future or a job apparently) and these jobs. Dealing with customers suck and I don’t even know what to look for anymore since I don’t have a degree/any gifted child on the news skills. Was working in clothing stores for the last year and a half but got laid off by Aerie since I didn’t mirror the company’s values one day before my trial period ended lol. Any tips on how to feel less miserable? Honestly I also just wanted to rant I cannot take this anymore and don’t understand how I am supposed to work for the rest of my life.

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