
How far is it all going to go?

I sometimes wonder how far we're going to allow this dystopian nightmare to go. When exactly is the point going to arrive where we look at the state of absolute corruption and theft of living quality and simply say “It's time to make a stand.” Corporate greed has shown that it places no value on any of us. They will never stop driving profits at the cost of all the rest of us. And meanwhile, we work and slave away to make ends meet while our forefathers enjoyed wages and costs that allowed them a life we can now only dream of. This is not what America was meant to be. This is a shameful nation of prisoners who have been pounded into submission by greedy sociopaths. Time to make a stand.

I sometimes wonder how far we're going to allow this dystopian nightmare to go. When exactly is the point going to arrive where we look at the state of absolute corruption and theft of living quality and simply say “It's time to make a stand.”

Corporate greed has shown that it places no value on any of us. They will never stop driving profits at the cost of all the rest of us. And meanwhile, we work and slave away to make ends meet while our forefathers enjoyed wages and costs that allowed them a life we can now only dream of. This is not what America was meant to be. This is a shameful nation of prisoners who have been pounded into submission by greedy sociopaths. Time to make a stand.

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