
I’m finally quitting tomorrow. Well, more like putting in a one day notice lol

So, I've hated my job for close to 8 months now. I've been applying to jobs like crazy (35 juust in June), and I've gotten a few interviews but no callbacks until yesterday. I'm looking for a full time job and a very small part time job on the side. I've gotten the full time job, and I start Thursday. I need to buy new pants tomorrow because I have shorts and ripped pants. I'm still looking for the part time job, so I have two interviews lined up. I can't wait to tell my boss that I'm leaving. I've hated this job for way too long. I'm so excited but super freaking nervous. I would go out and celebrate but I have literally no money. I'm saving it to go to Goodwill tomorrow to buy new pants. My current job pays $10 an hour. This new job pays $14…

So, I've hated my job for close to 8 months now. I've been applying to jobs like crazy (35 juust in June), and I've gotten a few interviews but no callbacks until yesterday. I'm looking for a full time job and a very small part time job on the side. I've gotten the full time job, and I start Thursday. I need to buy new pants tomorrow because I have shorts and ripped pants. I'm still looking for the part time job, so I have two interviews lined up. I can't wait to tell my boss that I'm leaving. I've hated this job for way too long. I'm so excited but super freaking nervous. I would go out and celebrate but I have literally no money. I'm saving it to go to Goodwill tomorrow to buy new pants. My current job pays $10 an hour. This new job pays $14 an hour. Sorry that this became a little rant. I'm just super excited to say goodbye to my boss. I would work my current job as a side job, but I want to leave so freaking badly. If I don't have to spend another minute in there, I won't. I'll miss all of my friends I made there, I'll keep in touch with them of course. Man, I'm about to cry. It's happy tears and sad tears. I can't wait to walk into my new job. Thanks for listening 🙂


TL;DR: I hate my current job, I applied to jobs like crazy, I got a couple interviews, I finally got a callback, I start on Thursday, I'm quitting tomorrow, and I'm crying because I can finally say goodbye to my boss.

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