
I’ve seen a lot of shit on the internet but…

I think I've now seen it all. I was debating with some people about minimum wage and one of their defenses was “you get paid for what your worth” and so I asked them if a disabled person or a person who struggles just with basic day to day tasks deserves to be paid less. Their answer was unapologetically yes. This pissed me off so much, I've had a chronic liver problem (primary schrloshing colingistis) and ulcerative colitis since I was FOUR. as you can imagine that hasint left me very many options because my Medicaid has been paying my medical bills for all that time (there was a breife period where my dad had to cover some of my lab work because of his new marriage but that was still when I was a teenager.) And has quite frankly saved my life. this person believes I should be paid…

I think I've now seen it all. I was debating with some people about minimum wage and one of their defenses was “you get paid for what your worth” and so I asked them if a disabled person or a person who struggles just with basic day to day tasks deserves to be paid less. Their answer was unapologetically yes. This pissed me off so much, I've had a chronic liver problem (primary schrloshing colingistis) and ulcerative colitis since I was FOUR. as you can imagine that hasint left me very many options because my Medicaid has been paying my medical bills for all that time (there was a breife period where my dad had to cover some of my lab work because of his new marriage but that was still when I was a teenager.) And has quite frankly saved my life. this person believes I should be paid less because of a problem I had no control over and more likely then not is still gonna kill me in the end. Yeah my condition is only getting worse 24 years after my liver transplant and not only can I not get a job for fear of losing my medical coverage, this person believes if I do get a job I deserve to be paid less. What the actual fuck man

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