
Guess How Much the USA Federal Minimum Wage Hasn’t Gone Up

I was curious about the history of USA Federal Minimum Wage and how it's increased over the years because I hear the BS excuse, “If you raise wages, then prices will go up” and I'm like, “It's already going up without wages increasing” and wanted to bring this to light in case my conservative quilt guild members spew that swill within my hearing. It's gone up $5 in 35 years. That's right, from 1974-2009 the minimum wage has gone up $5. Or would it be 5 decades (50 years) because there hasn't been an increase in the past almost 15 years? Isn't the 1970s in America when it started with the need to have both adults working to survive? I'm not familiar with this history. I just needed to rant how little the minimum wage in the USA has moved. It's disgusting.

I was curious about the history of USA Federal Minimum Wage and how it's increased over the years because I hear the BS excuse, “If you raise wages, then prices will go up” and I'm like, “It's already going up without wages increasing” and wanted to bring this to light in case my conservative quilt guild members spew that swill within my hearing.

It's gone up $5 in 35 years. That's right, from 1974-2009 the minimum wage has gone up $5. Or would it be 5 decades (50 years) because there hasn't been an increase in the past almost 15 years?

Isn't the 1970s in America when it started with the need to have both adults working to survive? I'm not familiar with this history. I just needed to rant how little the minimum wage in the USA has moved. It's disgusting.

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