
Personal finance

Sometimes I get recommended posts from the personal finance subreddit. I get it in some ways, you’re really in debt and need help, there’s some peculiar situation, but I just cannot fathom the dominant mindset there. Insane amounts of time and mental energy into ensuring that every dollar you make produces more. Anything you own is an asset either appreciating or depreciating, there’s no question of just having things because you like them. No driving a car because you like it. No home improvements that don’t add value in some objective way. No going out to eat. No art and minimal vacations or fun. I know it’s cliche to as but truly what is the point of living like that? Not least because you can’t “personal finance” your way into wealth, although I think some might be delusional about that. Anyway, just a small rant. What the hell is money…

Sometimes I get recommended posts from the personal finance subreddit. I get it in some ways, you’re really in debt and need help, there’s some peculiar situation, but I just cannot fathom the dominant mindset there.

Insane amounts of time and mental energy into ensuring that every dollar you make produces more. Anything you own is an asset either appreciating or depreciating, there’s no question of just having things because you like them. No driving a car because you like it. No home improvements that don’t add value in some objective way. No going out to eat. No art and minimal vacations or fun. I know it’s cliche to as but truly what is the point of living like that? Not least because you can’t “personal finance” your way into wealth, although I think some might be delusional about that. Anyway, just a small rant. What the hell is money for if not living and trying to make life enjoyable? The fact that you would just obsess over how to hoard it above and beyond any other life goal…

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