
Resignation email SENT

Comrades, I've done it, sent my resignation email after almost 2 years in a multimillion dollars company that wouldn't give a flying fck about me or my colleagues. Lucky to live in a country with more rights than US, and others, but still very much explored. After very dark months I've landed something substantially better, thanks to Chatgpt and a bit of insistance. This huge corporation made me learn many valuable lessons, like for me to stop caring, cause I tend to involve myself too much to try to get some joy out of it… But the disappointment, injustices and lack of promotions when I was the top and beyond was just bringing me down so bad… Now I see again the light in the end of another tunnel, let's hope it will be better. I'll keep on fighting for my rights and my fellow workers. Be happy for me,…

Comrades, I've done it, sent my resignation email after almost 2 years in a multimillion dollars company that wouldn't give a flying fck about me or my colleagues. Lucky to live in a country with more rights than US, and others, but still very much explored.

After very dark months I've landed something substantially better, thanks to Chatgpt and a bit of insistance.
This huge corporation made me learn many valuable lessons, like for me to stop caring, cause I tend to involve myself too much to try to get some joy out of it… But the disappointment, injustices and lack of promotions when I was the top and beyond was just bringing me down so bad…

Now I see again the light in the end of another tunnel, let's hope it will be better. I'll keep on fighting for my rights and my fellow workers.

Be happy for me, I break from these shackles, sadly I'm getting a new one cause in this capitalist world we don't have any other choice…

Solidarity for the bad and the good

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