
I just received a formal/written warning for underperformig after calling out my boss

I recently (7 months ago) joined a company as Director as the company was attacking a new market and needed someone with experience. as the team of 9 still needed structure I had to jump into different roles as well, to support were I can. so for the last 4 months or so I've been Director for 3 different Departements. In May they fired the Office Manager and told me I had to take care of it until they find someone else. My frustration and extra hours were taken to the next level when I came back from vacation and was told to take over this very important client (Project Management), additionaly to my current tasks. I decided to step up and wrote my Boss, that I can't take it anymore as I'm currently doing a job for 5 people and won't even get a single “thank you” for working…

I recently (7 months ago) joined a company as Director as the company was attacking a new market and needed someone with experience. as the team of 9 still needed structure I had to jump into different roles as well, to support were I can. so for the last 4 months or so I've been Director for 3 different Departements. In May they fired the Office Manager and told me I had to take care of it until they find someone else.

My frustration and extra hours were taken to the next level when I came back from vacation and was told to take over this very important client (Project Management), additionaly to my current tasks. I decided to step up and wrote my Boss, that I can't take it anymore as I'm currently doing a job for 5 people and won't even get a single “thank you” for working till 11:30pm, even though it was the last night before my girlfriend got hospitalized. she simply replied with “I don't have to way thank you for every little thing”.
I laughed and told her she can't be serious and I won't work a single our extra anymore.

today I had a call with HR and was told that my behaviour towards her was reported as very aggressive in addition to me underperforming.

I'm in total disbelieve right now.

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