
It took a mental breakdown for them to actually help me after a week of begging, but the damage is already done.

I just started a new job and the training has been an absolute cluster fuck. They've been jamming obscene amounts of information at us and I doubt anyone could absorb all that. During training I raised some concern about retaining all of this once I started actually doing the job and I was told not to worry and that I'd get plenty of help. I pick up pretty quickly with supported hands on learning so I was ok with that answer. Last week they decided I'm ready to go solo despite me protesting and saying I wasn't. Instead of listening to me they handed me a client and said go. For the past week I've been doing my best with what I have and communicating with the other trainees, but we still couldn't do it. Any time we would go to our trainer or management and ask for more help…

I just started a new job and the training has been an absolute cluster fuck. They've been jamming obscene amounts of information at us and I doubt anyone could absorb all that. During training I raised some concern about retaining all of this once I started actually doing the job and I was told not to worry and that I'd get plenty of help. I pick up pretty quickly with supported hands on learning so I was ok with that answer.

Last week they decided I'm ready to go solo despite me protesting and saying I wasn't. Instead of listening to me they handed me a client and said go. For the past week I've been doing my best with what I have and communicating with the other trainees, but we still couldn't do it. Any time we would go to our trainer or management and ask for more help we'd get blown off and told we're so smart we'll figure it out. The trainer/higher ups weren't even checking our work or anything so I was honestly flying dark.

Yesterday I found out for the second day in a row that I had done a fair amount of stuff wrong or not at all and would likely have to redo everything I've done in the last week. I will admit, my entire identity is centered around being the kind of autistic that went to college at 15 so I don't handle feeling stupid or out of the loop well. Finding out that I had fucked up so severely triggered a meltdown which caused me to have to clock out early. I finally put my foot down and made it clear I will not be handling any more anything until I get some help and finally I think I'm gonna get it.

The scary part is this job handles critical services for our clients, mistakes can result in loss or interruption of these services which could be detrimental to our clients. During training they emphasized over and over how important it was to be accurate, and yet they have us doing all this stuff with no supervision or even checking our work later! There's been other issues and at this point I'm thinking of encouraging a union. It seems like most employees feel overworked and I'm definitely not the only person getting blown off.

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