
I have very little time left for myself every

Tldr: I spend 11 hours on average around work. I have no time for myself to do anything I enjoyed just for an above average pay grade. I don't know if this belongs here but here we go. I graduated college with a lousy GPA. Did not even met the minimum criteria for graduate school. For some unknown reason I lucked into an administrative position in a large investment bank. I ended up making more than I could think of. Most of my colleagues and managers are pretty well tempered and nice. But somehow I find myself more miserable than ever. I did some basic math. Including commute and lunchtime, I spend an average 11 hours at work. This does not even factored in the time I put on makeup and dressed up to look presentable (I don't really do this when I'm off work). Everyday I was forced into…

Tldr: I spend 11 hours on average around work. I have no time for myself to do anything I enjoyed just for an above average pay grade.

I don't know if this belongs here but here we go.

I graduated college with a lousy GPA. Did not even met the minimum criteria for graduate school. For some unknown reason I lucked into an administrative position in a large investment bank. I ended up making more than I could think of. Most of my colleagues and managers are pretty well tempered and nice. But somehow I find myself more miserable than ever.

I did some basic math. Including commute and lunchtime, I spend an average 11 hours at work. This does not even factored in the time I put on makeup and dressed up to look presentable (I don't really do this when I'm off work). Everyday I was forced into 1hr overtime, because as an administrator, I had to wait for one of the senior member to be done with her work, catalog the files before I could leave. Some of my managers adjusted their work time (start work later like 9:30 or 10), so I have to wait for them as well. This just makes me angrier days after days.

The sad part is my other members were actually pretty overwhelmed by their workload. We have some clear segregation of duty rule so not like I could jump in and just help. So every last hour, I would just be on my phone. I really rather not spend this time there.

The pay is pretty good. But I was aslo told I made the least in the entire office. So I just feel like I was trapped. I was so trapped. I could not leave. I could not squeeze a single hour of my time for myself. I was just stuck. I have so many projects I wanted to work on. People my age want to travel around but I just want to work on something for myself. But everyday with so little time left I don't even know how to do anything I wanted to. I am just wasting away for a pay check. For me to even have anytime left I either have to give up sleep or give up exercise. The little energy I have left each day were another horror story.

Everybody on my team were at least 10 years older than me. I was scared of stepping on toes. And I don't want to ruin the “good atmosphere” they got there where “everybody is just so nice to each other”. I don't know what to do. I'm just trapped.

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