
Sick and tired of being stuck alone in Fast Food

I've been working at a fast food job for just over a year as of this month (June 22nd), and I can't ever imagine ordering at a fast food joint ever again. We are always missing one or two people every day, screwing over schedules and requiring us each to work multiple jobs all at once all the while making sure the food comes out on time. I'm a grill cook or assembly associate, but when one person calls out I'm 100% alone in my side of the kitchen. I understand the food is easy to make, but it's incredibly hard to get restroom breaks and get my lunches on time, as well as just keep up the pace and constantly be cooking and prepping food all at once. Its honestly just a lot. There was a day very recently where I was alone and we were missing other people…

I've been working at a fast food job for just over a year as of this month (June 22nd), and I can't ever imagine ordering at a fast food joint ever again. We are always missing one or two people every day, screwing over schedules and requiring us each to work multiple jobs all at once all the while making sure the food comes out on time.

I'm a grill cook or assembly associate, but when one person calls out I'm 100% alone in my side of the kitchen. I understand the food is easy to make, but it's incredibly hard to get restroom breaks and get my lunches on time, as well as just keep up the pace and constantly be cooking and prepping food all at once. Its honestly just a lot. There was a day very recently where I was alone and we were missing other people who had requested days off. When someone does that, management doesn't put anyone in to fill for them and tells everyone else that they called out. I know of this from multiple instances, but one worker who I was told called out that day talked with me and was actually at a funeral and requested the day off.

That day was the worst. I was supposed to take my lunch at 10 and ended up taking it at 12:30. 4 and a half hours straight of me being alone with little to no help. I'm in California, so I'm required to take my lunch before my 5th and was prepared to just walk out and quit. Thing is, I need this job right now. I'm learning how to drive and this is one of the few places nearby that even has hours to offer (small quiet town I live in).

I just feel so stuck, and every day I come in, I just get more upset and frustrated with the state of my workplace and what I have to deal with for bare minimum wage. I just don't know what to do

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