
Missed out on deserved promotion – Managers

So I missed out on a management promotion to another collegue junior to me who is friends with the boss, despite me going above and beyond in my job stepping up into management when he has been away over the last 3 years, coaching and mentoring, and generally going above and beyond blah blah blah. Feedback from recruitment process although I missed out was positive (they said if you presented like this for another role you would have got it) and they are now expecting me to work with this new employee and still step up when my boss is away despite this. My boss has been challenging to say the least with history of workplace bullying, and although we are on good terms due to me holding my tongue, hes a pretty poor manager. Boss advised when I was overlooked that movong forward 'informal management' is just as valuable'…

So I missed out on a management promotion to another collegue junior to me who is friends with the boss, despite me going above and beyond in my job stepping up into management when he has been away over the last 3 years, coaching and mentoring, and generally going above and beyond blah blah blah.
Feedback from recruitment process although I missed out was positive (they said if you presented like this for another role you would have got it) and they are now expecting me to work with this new employee and still step up when my boss is away despite this. My boss has been challenging to say the least with history of workplace bullying, and although we are on good terms due to me holding my tongue, hes a pretty poor manager. Boss advised when I was overlooked that movong forward 'informal management' is just as valuable' for formal management for future roles.
I'm in a pretty niche, high paid industry outside of the US so other opportunities are hard to come by.

Im over the bullshit and huge dent to the ego. Any advice on how I can stick it to my boss and remain professional, while plotting exit strategies.

Problem is, I NEED a reference from my boss for other opportunities in my industry, but I'm over his crap!

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