
When do we all agree that we can’t change the us from a legal point of view? What is your line to cross to literally kill and eat the rich and corrupt?

It seems pretty obvious that the supreme court is busted, And we already Have proven without a doubt that anthony scalia and clarence thompson are corrupt as fuck, And no matter how corrupt they are, People don't care. Hundreds of thousands if not millions in “donations” to a fucking supreme court judge… It's disgusting, but, I'm starting to wonder if I should care. It doesn't seem like anyone wants to change anything while I'm quite literally ready to occupy a rebellion. I'm starting to feel like I would be happier If I could accept life was a corrupt hell, rather than wanting it to change and nothing happening. So with all that said, When do we French revolution? Is there ever a cut off point? And hopefully, I've covered my bases on “inciting violence” by saying, I am not encouraging or suggesting any form of political violence, Just asking when…

It seems pretty obvious that the supreme court is busted, And we already Have proven without a doubt that anthony scalia and clarence thompson are corrupt as fuck, And no matter how corrupt they are, People don't care.

Hundreds of thousands if not millions in “donations” to a fucking supreme court judge… It's disgusting, but, I'm starting to wonder if I should care. It doesn't seem like anyone wants to change anything while I'm quite literally ready to occupy a rebellion.

I'm starting to feel like I would be happier If I could accept life was a corrupt hell, rather than wanting it to change and nothing happening.

So with all that said, When do we French revolution? Is there ever a cut off point?

And hopefully, I've covered my bases on “inciting violence” by saying, I am not encouraging or suggesting any form of political violence, Just asking when others would snap.

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