
5 days a week is too much

Working 5 days a week, 8 (sometimes 9, 10, 12 etc) hours a day is just way too much. Even if you’re doing something you love it’s still way too much. You spend pretty much the whole week at work that you feel like you live at your job and only visit home. A lot of jobs can be completed in 3-4 hours yet you’re forced to stay there the whole day and do this every day of the week and pretty much the next 40 years. WTF? If you love your job to do it 8 hours a day, 5 days a week then good for you. But majority of us aren’t like that. We’re all just in it for the money some of us couldn’t give a toss about ‘making a difference’. We all have lives outside of work. A job shouldn’t be your sole purpose in life.…

Working 5 days a week, 8 (sometimes 9, 10, 12 etc) hours a day is just way too much. Even if you’re doing something you love it’s still way too much. You spend pretty much the whole week at work that you feel like you live at your job and only visit home. A lot of jobs can be completed in 3-4 hours yet you’re forced to stay there the whole day and do this every day of the week and pretty much the next 40 years. WTF?

If you love your job to do it 8 hours a day, 5 days a week then good for you. But majority of us aren’t like that. We’re all just in it for the money some of us couldn’t give a toss about ‘making a difference’. We all have lives outside of work. A job shouldn’t be your sole purpose in life. The perfect balance would be to work 3 days a week only. I know that a lot of people can’t afford to work part time but wouldn’t it just be better if working 3 days a week was the norm and still get paid full time hours?

I’m not complaining about working. I don’t think anyone actually hates working but I think we hate having to work excessively cos THAT is the problem. If there was to be an experiment of working 3 days a week, I guarantee that even the people who hate their jobs would be much happier that way. Just had to rant this out because it amazes me how 40+ hour work weeks are still the norm.

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