
My employers are trying to force me out of my home and I’m too poor to afford an alternative. [Vent]

Okay so this is a venting post. I needed to vent somewhere and figured you guys would understand. Some context first. I live in staff accommodation that the company I work for owns. Its the only thing I and any of the other workers in the area can afford. Everything else is owned and rented by landlords, most of which are slumlords or are staff accommodation for other businesses. I have been working for the company for over 5 years. Most employees need to share a room when they first start working for the company. I have had my own room for 4 years. The room I am in right now has been a single occupant room for far longer than I've been working here. My boss loves me and I've done more for this company than they'll ever do for me. Yet despite all that the new human resources…

Okay so this is a venting post. I needed to vent somewhere and figured you guys would understand.

Some context first. I live in staff accommodation that the company I work for owns. Its the only thing I and any of the other workers in the area can afford. Everything else is owned and rented by landlords, most of which are slumlords or are staff accommodation for other businesses.

I have been working for the company for over 5 years. Most employees need to share a room when they first start working for the company. I have had my own room for 4 years. The room I am in right now has been a single occupant room for far longer than I've been working here. My boss loves me and I've done more for this company than they'll ever do for me.

Yet despite all that the new human resources department seems intent on screwing me over and forcing me out of staff accommodation. None of them have been working for the company for more than a year because all the previous HR employees quit on the same day.

The first thing they did was try to put the worst possible person in my room that is too small for two people. A drug addict who was entirely useless at the company. I couldn't stand working with him and tried to be professional but it was clear to all that I couldn’t stand him. I fought this but they ignored all reason and logic from me and only changed their minds when my boss got involved. In their minds I am living in a double occupant room.

They haven't stopped. They've said that they're rennovating the building come winter and that all tenants will be moved. I've asked them if I'll be allowed to move into a new single room but they of course refused to give a direct answer and said that single rooms are meant for night shift and managers. I am neither. Being an employee for 5years at a company where most don't even last for 6months doesn't matter to them.

Oh but wait! It gets worse! Just today they moved a guy into my place. Different room, thank god, but they put him in the single occupant room that they decided is still a single occupant room. Why does this tick me off? The guy was fired for choosing not to show up for his shifts. Yet they hired him back AND put him in the single occupant room.

Clearly they are trying to force me out and I can't afford to live elsewhere and don't even have enough money to move out of the area. They also continue to screw with me in other small ways as well. I feel so defeated and powerless right now.

Thats my venting. Thanks for reading. I know some of you will try to offer advice so I'll leave a few answers that I think will save you some time.

1 – They don't pay enough money for me to save up. Not in this area with how expensive it has gotten.

2 – I have no friends or family who can help me out. They are all either unable to offer me shelter or live out of country.

3 – The HR department has little to no oversight. The head of HR is actually the wife of the new general manager who is in charge of the business and the owner doesn't care about how the business is run.

4 – I don't even have a car to live out of. My last one kicked the bucket and most used car sales in the area are basically scams. They're sold overpriced but usually break down in a couple months.

5 – There are no solutions when it comes to laws. Staff accommodations are not bound by most tenant protection laws. Even if they were breaking a law the businesses in the area usually get away without punishment because of how much money they bring into Canadia with tourism.

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