
You get what you paid for

You won't believe the number of stories I hear about workers over the years. From people lacking complete common sense on the job, to people showing up in interviews wearing inappropriate clothing, to even people coming to work high or drunk (some even passing out). It makes all workers look bad, like no one is competent. These stories often come from people at the top who blame their workers any chance they get. However, whenever digging deeper into all these stories, it is ALWAYS the same input that results for the same outcome, which is, a job that has extremely high expectations for extremely low pay. I felt like posting it here to defend other workers and give people in higher positions a better understanding of what the issue is. There are two groups of people who apply for high expectation jobs with low pay, that's people who are stupid…

You won't believe the number of stories I hear about workers over the years. From people lacking complete common sense on the job, to people showing up in interviews wearing inappropriate clothing, to even people coming to work high or drunk (some even passing out). It makes all workers look bad, like no one is competent. These stories often come from people at the top who blame their workers any chance they get. However, whenever digging deeper into all these stories, it is ALWAYS the same input that results for the same outcome, which is, a job that has extremely high expectations for extremely low pay.

I felt like posting it here to defend other workers and give people in higher positions a better understanding of what the issue is. There are two groups of people who apply for high expectation jobs with low pay, that's people who are stupid or extremely desperate. While you think you're making a great investment, you are actually costing yourself more via reputation, training, and hiring than you care to admit. I believe most people are like me, where we look at your job post and check the salary. Now let's say we do like that salary; we then see the expectation. If neither add up, we won't even apply. If you hide your salary and under ball us later on, we just make up a BS excuse as to why we aren't accepting your offer and/or we just ghost you.

So the takeaway is this, if you claim workers are lazy, incompetent, irresponsible, maybe it's not them, maybe it's you. You literally set yourself up to get these kinds of people and then blame everyone else for it. I'm seeing people who keep getting new hires and some just stop hiring altogether because they blame everyone. Meanwhile these are the same dirtbags that underpay their workers and treat them like crap. Also, whenever anyone tells you these stories, dig deeper and ask how much they were getting paid. You'll see how fast the tables turn.

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