
Lunch “stolen” at work

So ever since return to office last year I have been bringing in lunch to work to save money and eat healthier than pre-covid. One of my issues before for not bringing food is some days I would forget to take it in the morning. So now I put in my calendar and forcefully remember to take food certain days and usually take 2-3 days worth of lunch and leave it in the fridge overnight. I have been doing this for the last 14 months with 0 issues. Today when I went to get my lunch my bag was missing. It was an ordinary plain white bag but had 2 containers of food inside. I’m inclined to to believe someone took it accidentally but it bothers me that I don’t know if it was an accident or intentional. I thought may be the cleaners threw it out but there was…

So ever since return to office last year I have been bringing in lunch to work to save money and eat healthier than pre-covid. One of my issues before for not bringing food is some days I would forget to take it in the morning. So now I put in my calendar and forcefully remember to take food certain days and usually take 2-3 days worth of lunch and leave it in the fridge overnight. I have been doing this for the last 14 months with 0 issues.

Today when I went to get my lunch my bag was missing. It was an ordinary plain white bag but had 2 containers of food inside. I’m inclined to to believe someone took it accidentally but it bothers me that I don’t know if it was an accident or intentional.

I thought may be the cleaners threw it out but there was pop cans and random packs of ketchup left in the fridge.

Has this happened to anyone before? Any ideas on how I can inconspicuously let the person who took it know I don’t appreciate that?

TLDR; someone took my lunch from the office fridge and I want to know how I can inconspicuously find out who did it?

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