
Starting to realize honesty is never the best policy. Not when it comes to employers.

I have a gap in my employment history from when my now ex gf was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, for which I eventually stopped down from my job for to help take care of her full time because I was the primary person she could rely on as she didn't drive nor did she have any family in the area. Whenever I get asked about this I explain the situation and that I waited for my employer to hire and train a replacement before I left and then I didn't work until she recovered, especially as a lot of her medical related things were in a city 3 hours away but I'm starting to think maybe I should just lie and erase that gap and make it seem like I've been a good worker drone without any pauses in employment as that seems to be an unfathomable concept to…

I have a gap in my employment history from when my now ex gf was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, for which I eventually stopped down from my job for to help take care of her full time because I was the primary person she could rely on as she didn't drive nor did she have any family in the area.

Whenever I get asked about this I explain the situation and that I waited for my employer to hire and train a replacement before I left and then I didn't work until she recovered, especially as a lot of her medical related things were in a city 3 hours away but I'm starting to think maybe I should just lie and erase that gap and make it seem like I've been a good worker drone without any pauses in employment as that seems to be an unfathomable concept to hiring managers.

This is exhausting.

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